Front End Frameworks: But why?


A Disclaimer

On learning your first JavaScript Framework

  • first know JavaScript
  • first master a web framework
  • don’t try to do it in 1 day
  • HB Fellows: probably don’t do it for your Hackbright project

JavaScript History

A Storied Past

  • 1998-early 2000s JavaScript gets standardized for multiple browsers
  • 2006- jQuery released, ends up winning the battle of the JS libraries for the timebeing

Front End Frameworks Come on the Scene

  • 2009- AngularJS (Brat Tech LLC, Google and community)
  • 2010- Backbone (Jeremy Ashkenas)
  • 2011- Ember.js (Yehuda Katz, Tom Dale, community)
  • 2013- React.js (Facebook, Instagram, community)

The Case for Front End Frameworks

Why FEFs Are Awesome, Apparently

  • Easily testable
  • More maintainable
  • Safer
  • Faster
  • Easy on the eyes

Designing an Application Without a Front End Framework

Let’s Talk About...

  • Database design
  • Designing your controllers (a.k.a. routes)
  • Designing web page’s behavior with JavaScript

Database Design - elegant?

/static/_images/database_schema.jpg /static/_images/coco.jpg

Designing Your Controllers - elegant?

def submit_form():

def process_profile():

def process_async_form():

Designing Your Controllers - elegant?


def create_user():

def profile():

def save_profile_async():

Designing Page Behavior with only JavaScript: elegant?

  • Live Demo! A textbox that shows the character count when the user clicks a button.
  • User: be the user of the web page.
  • Event listener: when the user presses the button, bring the event post-it note to the event handler.
  • Event handler: count the letters and write it in the DOM next to the text box.

Designing Page Behavior with only JavaScript: elegant?


Kind of. jQuery and JavaScript encourage imperative programming.

  • When some event happens, do something else.

Getting Acquainted with React.js



Component lifecycles

var TextBox = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function(){
        // pass
    componentDidMount: function(){
        // pass
    componentShouldUpdate: function(){
        // pass
    render: function(){
        // pass

No More HTML (kind of.)

var TextBox = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function(){
        // pass
    componentDidMount: function(){
        // pass
    componentShouldUpdate: function(){
        // pass
    render: function(){
        return (<textarea></textarea>);

Components Composed of Other Components

var TextBox = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function(){
        // pass
    componentDidMount: function(){
        // pass
    componentShouldUpdate: function(){
        // pass
    render: function() {
        return (<textarea rows="5">
var MeggiesForm = React.createClass({
    render: function(){
        return (
                <p>Howdy. Try typing in the text box below.</p>
                <TextBox />



Event Listeners Are Different

var TextBox = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function(){
        count: 0
    componentDidMount: function(){
        // pass
    componentShouldUpdate: function(){
        // pass
    countChars: function(evt){
        var count = this.refs.input.value.length;
        this.setState('count', count);
    render: function() {
        return (<textarea
                <StatusDiv count={this.state.count} />

Event Listeners and State

var TextBox = React.createClass({
    getInitialState: function(){
        count: 0
    componentDidMount: function(){
        // pass
    componentShouldUpdate: function(){
        // pass
    countChars: function(evt){
        var count = this.refs.input.value.length;
        this.setState('count', count);
    render: function() {
        return (<textarea
                <StatusDiv count={this.state.count} />

React is Quick.

Audio Visualization Demo at http://localhost:8000/pronounce_gaelic/start

React is quick because it’s declarative.

  • Declarative: “I want to live in a world where the number next to the text box IS the number of letters in that text box.”
  • Imperative: “When the user types in the text box, count the characters in the text box and then update the number next to the text box.”

How Does React Re-Render the DOM So Quickly?

Reconciliation Algorithm: generating the minimum number of operations to transform one tree into another



JSX gotchas

  • /** @jsx React.DOM */ needs to be at the top of any file with React code (JSX) in it.
  • Add type="text/jsx" to the <script> tag for any of YOUR JavaScript files that contain React code (JSX)
  • You can’t use class="blah" in JSX because class is a reserved word in JavaScript. Use className instead.

Component Lifecycle gotchas

  • componentDidMount means the render function got called.
  • Always use this.setState to change a component’s state. Other than that function, state should be thought of as being immutable.

React.js isn’t all kittens and pizza.

  • React is hard on designer workflows.

  • JSX is hard to look at.

  • The error messages are cryptic.

    • Facebook React developers, if you can hear me, please make this better.

FEF Patterns

FEF Patterns

  • Independent modules or units that have their own behaviors

  • An interest in fewer “pages”

    • Single Page Applications
  • Faster development and faster onboarding

  • “Declarative is better than imperative.”

  • HTML, CSS, Bootstrap, and JQuery are still welcome to the party

  • “does the heavy lifting for you”.

Resources/ bibliography



Other Resources